I play Ultimate Frisbee. It is something that I love. I am passionate about. And I never would have guessed that I would enjoy a sport so much.
Just the most intimidating line up ever. This is my team. |
Anna and I enjoy making up games like this one, where I shoot her off my back. |
My favorite of the team. We're just so happy to be together. |
We call ourselves the Dynamic Duo + Shady. |
If you were to ask most people that knew me 5 years ago, they would have never guessed that I would play a sport that consists of running, catching, laying out, and chasing after discs for hours - regardless of weather. I was a swimmer - always had been and never knew anything different. But the whole amped-up message that North Park gives about Ultimate hooked me. And I'm obsessed. I honestly can't get enough Frisbee in my life. I want to practice every day. I want to see my teammates (and the guys from the mens team) and hang out with them all the time. I want to be at tournaments every weekend. I want to be in shape so that I can play harder than any other team. I want to scrimmage as long as possible when the indoor turf is wide open. I think you get the point. I love the sport.
Worst weather we've ever played in. |
I think it has to do with the fact that I joined Frisbee completely for me. Nobody said I had to. Nobody pushed me. Nobody in my family knew what it was. And I wasn't following in someone's shadow. It was all for me. And honestly, I was laughed at for saying I was going to try it out. It wasn't something that people expected, but I wanted so badly to try it out and see if it'd be something I enjoy. Obviously it was, as I'm now a captain and I have a passion for the sport exceeds my passion for a lot of other things in my life.
Draining the lactic acid from our legs at the church. |
I'm pretty sure I didn't even play at this tournament. |
My team, Allihopa (which means "one and all" in Swedish), has our first tournament next weekend. I'm beyond excited. Spending every hour of sunlight outside playing the sport I love for an entire weekend will be fantastic. It's my favorite way to wake up in the morning - being one of the first to get up, and then being in charge of slowly waking up each girl scattered around the sanctuary of whatever church has graciously allowed us to sleep on their floor for the weekend. It's become tradition to "shnookums" each girl to wake her up. (A shnookums is when you nuzzle your nose and face into someone's neck, and say "shnookums" as you nuzzle.) We then sloooooooowly get ourselves ready for the long day of playing that's ahead of us, but we always leave enough time to stop for coffee/red bull before we go to the fields, and then we play game after game until our day is done. We usually get some delicious food at Chipotle before we make our way back to school, where I tend to pass out in the back seat.
Riding Dirty. |
It's the best. The very, very best.
It's easy to make something a passion when you're good at it. I'm proud of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm in love with it. go get it girl